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You don’t have to DO more in 2019

YEAH! You heard me! Take a load off, gahhh!

Who am I kidding? As responsible humans, we don’t really get to stop doing the things that keep our family well cared for, we can’t just NOT go back to work, and we still have to wash our hair.....

So when you think about 2019 and the list of goals and to-do’s and diets and new experiences goes on and on and on...stop and think about this:

You don’t have to DO more in 2019.

In fact, what if we DID less and actually did the things we’re already doing (minus a couple maybe?) even BETTER.

Here’s the short list of things I’d like to pour more of myself into, but I haven’t been able to fully do that because my plate is just SO full:

  • Children’s ministry

  • My blog

  • Sam and Nia channel

  • My parenting knowledge

That’s the short list.

What are your top 3 things? Why don’t you pour into them what you WANT to now? Maybe it’s because you’re plate is too full....of things that don’t really matter.

Let’s brainstorm the art of decluttering our plates.. Thanks to APPLE, we can now see how much time we spend on our phones ...and see it broken down into categories. WHOA. That was humbling to say the least.

I spent 48 minutes on my Bible app last you know how much time I spent on the texting app??? 8 HOURS!!!! That’s more than an hour a day! crayyyy!

So, in conclusion I need to text my friends and family less.

hahahaha, i’m just kidding. But, I could set aside time each day to reply to people without absent mindedly picking up my phone 8947350 times an hour. That’s gotta stop.

All I’m saying is...maybe we actually, literally...DO LESS in 2019...making the impact on important things greater, but also with more eternal value invested.

Happy goal setting everyone!!

love y’all so much.

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